Thursday, March 30, 2006

"cool things to put on your blog"

Your Birthdate: August 5

You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"the mustard bastard isn't worth the custard in your cupboard"

a little quote dedicated to whomever it may concern

Friday, March 24, 2006

my warren buffett moment

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warren buffett - the oracle

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get this man a cherry coke!

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if you're in omaha....head down to Gorat's for meatloaf!

(related to the ug thread.)

i remember looking ug the day i met the oracle of omaha warren buffett

this was in the fall of 2001.

i was reminded of this episode last night when a gf and i were talking about anxieties related to not waking up on time for an early morning meeting.

i'm not too sure if this is a common anxiety. or just an isolated phenomenon.

anyways the story goes something like this

while i was doing a post grad program in Chicago, the dean of my faculty scored a students' visit to Omaha Nebraska to spend a day with Mr Buffett.

interested students were to send 200 words to the dean's office explaining why they should get the spot to meet the world's second richest man after Bill Gates.

i was among the 8 students who got chosen to sip cherry coke and talk stocks with the guru.

i think i won cos i was the token international kid and also cos i'm quite sure that my whiney please pretty please please worth of 200 words kinda drummed into the judging panel's minds that i REALLY wanted to be in Omaha.

so i got my ticket to omaha.

the dean who was ecstatic about meeting warren buffett showed it by setting the early-morning off on a grand billionaire tone.

he got us a limo to take us to the airport.

but his excitement clearly stopped at flying with class. we got booked on southwest.

"the limo will be at the faculty's car park at 4 am"

being the planner that i am i decided to sleep at 9 pm so that i could wake up all fresh and ready to meet my first billionaire.

9 pm
wired mind filled with small talk scenarious with Mr Buffett.

10 pm
i check my alarm clock for the 10th time to make sure i have the settings right

11 pm
"oh no why am i not asleep yet?"

12 am
"maybe i should go get a cup of hot choc milo drink to help me sleep."

1 am
"should i call him warren or mr buffett"

2 am
"should i still attempt to sleep? i need to get up in an hour's time"

3 am
"i'm so sleepy..."

at 3 am, i rolled outtta bed looking like a wreck. i dunno if you've noticed this about pple who've not slept at all. they look ugly. their skin tone changes - it gets a little darker and patchy... your facial pores get a little more obvious and your eye bags are heavier. not a fetching look.

so on the day i met my first billionaire, i looked like a sleepless homeless rag.

*** *** ***

the car that greeted us at the omaha airport was a taxi driven by a grandma.

"oh, so you're all here to see warren buffett....."

she then commenced to tell her passengers the life story of warren buffett from the time he was kid to who he was today.

he's clearly omaha's poster grandpa

*** *** ***

when i finally saw warren buffett for the first time. it was uneventful.

he was just like any other guy.

i figure'd if you had billions in your pockets.. you'd be someone like mr warbucks (as seen in Annie). but Mr. buffett was very normal on all counts. he was likeable, polite, funny and down to earth. he even drove us in his jaguar to the place we had lunch a famous steakhouse called Gorat's.

the only time he bossed anyone around was when he shouted: "Can someone get me a Cherry Coke?"

*** *** ***

At Gorat's, it was recommended that we stick to the safest bet. the meatloaf and bread with mashed potatos.

the mains at gorat's cost about $10-ish.

i remember telling myself as i took my first bite of the famous meatloaf recommended by Mr Buffett himself... "waahhhh this is saaaaalty."

and i was totally appalled when the oracle sprinkled freely even on more salt on his plateful of salty meatloaf.

and then as he made small talk over the meal.... he casually opened what looked to me a like a BILLION packets of sugar for his iced lemon tea.


so his trick is to keep things sweet and salty.

now... sitting at the lunch table with Mr Buffett meant if you wanted to get noticed you be better participate in the collective conversation and say something intelligent and memorable.

even the dean was fighting for some air time.

at that point in time, i had ZERO knowledge about how the stock markets work. altho i was in grad school as an aspiring business reporter.... i was only into week 3 of the program when we were still figuring who's name was what, and where the library was on campus... the only kind of reporting work i've done previously was only entertainment reporting - which saw me breaking stories like who was filing a divorce from who.

so as a conversation thread was nearing a lull, offering the opportune time to steal the spotlight.... i was debating in my head whether i should go with a serious hard businessy news topic or more of a soft businessy news topic...

as soon as my question came out from my mouth i knew i had kinda made the wrong move... cos it sounded even more stupid saying it out loud...(vs just saying it in your head).

"so why is i have noticed that in Asia it's called coke light but in the US it's known as diet coke?"

i asked Mr Buffett - widely known cherry coke addict and a high-profile investor of the coca cola brand.


"did i just ask that?" or was i still thinking out loud.

he annihilated my own self confusion without missing a beat.

"i think it's cos in Asia ... people are more conscious about their appearances... so drinking something called a diet coke would imply certain things that would normally be avoided..."


okay. fair enough.

"where are you from in asia" Mr Buffett asked me.

"I'm from Singapore," i replied wondering if i should have for the sake of national pride changed my national identity.

"you're the second singaporean i've met in my life," the oracle replied.

"who was the first?" i asked, feeling kinda of unique in his eyes.

"lee kuan yew" he said.

woahhh. me? a No. 2 after Singapore's founding father.

very interesting.

feeling the ug monster

so i was checking my email when i got in to work today.

an old friend of mine from undergrad days had sent me a little note last night

"Hi Jessica,

Good to see you again yesterday. Let’s do lunch soon!!!! Mid April would be good, after my ad campaign breaks.

Anyway – here is the picture of us! You look good!"

i ran into the friend the other other day at a presser while covering an event.

the photgrapher took a shot of us while we were sipping teh tarik (indian tea with milk) and catching up.

i remember smiling widely as the flash flashed. the smile retracted as the photographer lowered his camera to check the shot blinking on the digital screen. He looked pleased. and that was that.

as i clicked on the link of our pic my friend emailed me... i was expecting to see, ya know, two pretty looking gals looking back.

as the photo emerged on my computer screen.

i kinda let out an Edvard Munch scream.

who is that gal?!!!

i looked like a piece of old rag.

so, is that how i look like now?

if this sounds a little vain, paranoid, psychotic and's cos it prolly is. it's not you, it's me.

i'm feeling my body change. and my wrinkles are appearing along my laugh lines. the eye bags have become defiant despite restful sleep.

i'm just feeling the ug monster creeping up on me today.

tomorrow will be another day.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

shelving a bad habit

shelf of bad habits

smoking made sexy in 2046. Tony Leung gets the ciggies and the legs. great subliminal advertising

gorgeous Tony Leung in 2046. a tortured writer, haunted by his past. the stillness of unspoken thoughts lends weight to the cigarette smoke billowing in the centerstage of this scene.

we all have bad habits.

i know i do. too many, in fact.

bad habits are in fact so prevalent that sometimes we don't even notice them.

on his way to work yesterday, M decided he was gonna can a bad habit of his.


M, 32, has been smoking for 10 years now.

"about 3-4 sticks a day" he says

but consumes at least double over the weekends.

"it just hit me while i was driving to work today...that i wanted to giveup smoking..."

why did you start smoking in the beginning?

"peer pressure"

he pauses. and then decides

"cos i wanted to be like the malboro man....and tony tony leung in 2046."

now, wong kar wai's art film2046 is packed full of smoking scenes. smoking was sexy. the director of the movie was a genius in using the lighting of a low-hanging ceiling lamp to flirt with the sexy white smoke swirling, full bodied up towards the light. the mood was affected and it looked as if the cigarette puff had breathed life into a stream of colored, tobacco tainted column of air. but i digress.

how do you feel now, on day 1 of smoke free life? i asked M.

"it's like a calm before the storm"

"but talking about smoking kinda makes me depressed"


i'm glad to announce today that M has progressed to day 2.

as for me, i'm on day 3 of kicking a habit that needs shelving too.

something to do with an ex flame that never fizzled.

it's not easy...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

turning 30

a friend recently passed me a book... with a rather revealing, painful title.

"turning thirty"

it's a book by mike gayle.

i would have normally refused such book implied many assumptions that should just stay ambiguosly assumed and unspoken.

but to my horrror of aaalllll horrors!!! i extended my hand and took the book.

my resistance was only a mere shadow of what it used to be couple of years ago...where i would never be caught dead browsing at the self help aisle of any book shop. something to do with pride and society's obessession of being happy and "allright" 24/7... or at least appearing to do so.

somehow, something has changed along the way( that's another blog enytry altogether,)

i'm no longer the person i used to be... this should really be read as a neutral-process. not bad,not good...just is. ya know.

turning thirty is not really an official self helpbook... but it's a book that falls under the category of getting to know yourself better..which is a little like self help. acceptance of this book (which i've yetto read yet) i guess kinda tells me that maybe i am now getting better asking and accepting help from others. acknowledging that i have my weaknesses and that it's ok to be weak sometimes, without beating myself up over my vulnerabilities...

that sometimes it's ok not to know and yet toss myself into the wind...

maybe it does have somethg to do with turning 30.

i dunno

...but let the countdown begin.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

striptease...and the stripper's pledge

jessie t: "so how come he hasn't kissed me yet?"

d- k: "huuuuhhh"

d- k: "did you flirt with him?"

jessie t: "what do you mean? hooooooooooow...i didn't know i had to"

d- k:"hahahahahh ok i teach you ...laugh at his jokes, touch him arm at times mid conversation and then lean closer closer closer until he kisses you."

jessie t: "Howcome you know these things...who teach you....?"

d- K:"didn;t i tell you i just went for a striptease classlast weekend?!!"

jessie t: "you did???? and you didn't tell me!!!?"

d- k lives in nyc. she's a high flyer consultant. to let off steam last weekend, she and her highflyer friends went on girls night out last weekend. someone booked a room at a striptease club to have a private group lesson on .....drumroll learn how to please the man. the stripper joint also has an adjoining steakhouse with naked waitresses apparently. really hilarious.

through d- k, i've vicariously distilled some KEY points learnt at stripper class:

i will call this THE stripper pledge

1) I will NEVER never NEVER take off my heels

2) I must FLIRT with the wall

3) I must Perfect that chow-bin (fukienese for erotic grumpy) face....and not even think of smiling

4) I can only lose the bra facing that wall

**interactive call to readers:"any other contributions to the list?"

point #3 was offered by some crazy pub banter last night with a couple of friends

mid conversation last night... iwas sharing with thetable about d- k's stripper class....when someone told me that they actually have this here tooo!!!!

jessie t: "???!!$%&???

J-who's going to HK to wk: "yes......but they dun call it stripper's exotic dancing."

jessie t: "oooh so underground."

the question now is: should i sign up?


Monday, March 06, 2006

like stars in the night

my revolutions spiral back and forth with twists and turns that spin me around like how the sun used to revolve around the earth. you & i are like stars in the night, held in our lives and place by forces beyond. i'm harboring a hope. it's shining just like the stars in the night that fade in the day only to live for another night. i'm harboring a hope. i hope you are too.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fin de siècle

someone unborn
will write
of you and I
like little grids
that speak
of time
we'll breathe
through labels
& memories
- to manifest
on pages,
as little digits
of our Fin de siècle

beautiful day

(photo credit: oliver biggadike/p.s. that's my office building. i'm in that building typing this now)

before i closed my eyes to sleep last night... i was tired and irritable. what a difference a half-day makes.

it's a beautiful day out today.

the moodometer is in good range. the sky's blue and clear and the sun's making the day! for archival purposes, let me proclaim that life's feelin' kinda good.

I got ready for work singing to U2's Surrender blasting from my stereo (at volume loudness 24)

BAD - U2

If you twist and turn away
If you tear yourself in two again
If I could, yes I would
If I could, I would
Let it go
If I could throw this
Lifeless lifeline to the wind
Leave this heart of clay
See you walk, walk away
Into the night
And through the rain
Into the half-light
And through the flame

If I could through myself
Set your spirit free
I'd lead your heart away
See you break, break away
Into the light...
And to the day

Oooh oooh, oooh oooh, oooh oooh oooh...

To let it go! And so to fade away
To let it go!
And so fade away
I'm wide awake!
I'm wide awake!
Wide awake! I'm not sleeping, oh no, no, no...

If you should ask then maybe they'd
Tell you what I would say
True colors fly in blue and black
Bruised silken sky and burning flak
Colors crash, collide in blood shot eyes

Oooh oooh, oooh oooh, oooh oooh oooh...

If I could, you know I would
If I could, I would
Let it go...

This desparation...
In temptation...

Let it go!
And so fade away
To let it go! Oh Yea!
And so fade away
To let it go! Oh No!
And so to fade away
I'm wide awake!
I'm wide awake!
Wide awake!
I'm not sleeping - Oh no no!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

of puffytitis & peanuculiar ... part of the jessie t & josie k series

to capture the spirit of living in a world that doesn't make sense

josie k & jessie t talked non-stop rubbish for the entire taxi ride home from dinner. which involved creating new rubbish words.

jessie t: " my ankle is swollen, i'm worried it may be a blood clot that's gonna kill me!"

josie k: "don't worry jess, you just have puffytitis... now that's spelled like this P-U-F-F-Y

jessie t: "Y and not I?"

josies k: "yes Y.... P-U-F-F-Y-T-I-T-I-S"

(we all laugh... the taxi driver....drives)

we came out with a new breed of nouns stemming from the root word test.

testation, testigation, testitorium.... testainment

josie k: "and the best one...peanuculiar" >used to describe a person who's a hybrid of peanut and peculiar. a peculiar person who's a nuthead.

we're nuts...