of puffytitis & peanuculiar ... part of the jessie t & josie k series

to capture the spirit of living in a world that doesn't make sense
josie k & jessie t talked non-stop rubbish for the entire taxi ride home from dinner. which involved creating new rubbish words.
jessie t: " my ankle is swollen, i'm worried it may be a blood clot that's gonna kill me!"
josie k: "don't worry jess, you just have puffytitis... now that's spelled like this P-U-F-F-Y
jessie t: "Y and not I?"
josies k: "yes Y.... P-U-F-F-Y-T-I-T-I-S"
(we all laugh... the taxi driver....drives)
we came out with a new breed of nouns stemming from the root word test.
testation, testigation, testitorium.... testainment
josie k: "and the best one...peanuculiar" >used to describe a person who's a hybrid of peanut and peculiar. a peculiar person who's a nuthead.
we're nuts...
Jessica is my best hang-out peng eyoi. she very clever one. one day will be best poet in whole of singapore and some say JB.
choo-see kay
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