life's a beach
you know life's a beach

when the food's great...ooooh grilled seafood!

when you travel light - who needs baggage!

when you look like you're in a rave while doing some mickey mouse club dance routine!

when a day's work throws you tough questions like pool or beach? pool or beach? pool or beach?

when you stand in the middle of no where to take a picture!

when you put your feet up!

when you can bleach out your uneven tan!

when the ocean looks like slurpee!

when the food's great...ooooh grilled seafood!

when you travel light - who needs baggage!

when you look like you're in a rave while doing some mickey mouse club dance routine!

when a day's work throws you tough questions like pool or beach? pool or beach? pool or beach?

when you stand in the middle of no where to take a picture!

when you put your feet up!

when you can bleach out your uneven tan!

when the ocean looks like slurpee!
my peng eyio is v sexy! i like this post cos got nice text and pic. hope that don't make me sound like a lesbo. not that i have anything against lesbos. i mean i have some great lesbo friends. not that my non-lesbo friends aren't great. but just that... i give up.
my peng eyio wants me to remind all of you that she is not lesbo. not that she is against lesbo or anything. just that she is not lah. and maybe it is a personal preference, but really that doesn't mean she is saying it is wrong to be lesbo. infact it is right to be anything you bloody want to be. just that she is not lesbo ok. so all you guys can go ahead and ask her out.
josie pok,
thanks for errr putting out the message
yes...i'm very sexist. i like only boys.
your peng-you who now only wants to be known as "miso hot" and lives by the philosophy of "i soy happy"
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