Thursday, February 09, 2006

conversations with the self

i went to corrine may's concert last night. it was at the NUS (National University of Singapore) cultural centre. after the 5th number, her songs began to sound the same. some had a touch of christian musical sentimentality to it after a while.

she has a great voice, no doubt about that, and her lyrics showed she was a fellow believer. in life. she sang of the redemptive/damning, explosive nature of love found and love lost. and being safe in a crazy world.

very empowering words.

i adore these (sometimes cheesy) words of freedom (of the esoteric), love and homecoming. collectively, they are my opium - in the marxist context. what more to string them in a song. they remind me of me. and urge me to notice the moment, to stow away moments as i move from where i am and away from them. and feel that the space i stand on is shifting, the world turning. and that i too must evolve in little revolutions of change - of which i may not understand but accept.

there have been lapses, plenty of them, when i stall. at these moments, songs & words come into play. and guide me along on the journey.

at a new wine bar last night, M tells me i should write more (on my blog) about everyday things. you know like what i ate for dinner, or what movie i watched or shopping. and moderate the esoteric, abstract conversations with myself (i'm paraphrasing). i really think that's what blogs are about. conversations with the self. it's a valve for the mind. yep> back to my theory of marking one's existence with (mundane) details just like a dog pees to mark its territory.

Ok, M. I'll moderate and start with breakfast details today.

I had a cuppa long black, one sugar. and a cheese, chicken and lettuce sandwich.
i was 10 minutes late for work. and rude to my mother this morning. i forgot about putting on make up for work. and i just noticed two tiny zits on my nose.

the suntan i got from sat is turning into a itchy sun burn. but i'm loving the colors. as i type, i feel the pinkish glow on my cheeks and the tip of my nose & shoulder blades flushing out the pasty pale. i'm feeling my new momentary (sp?) colors. it's making me feel all warm and fuzzy in the air conditioned office. it feels comforting.

i have to cough up some story ideas now. i have a blank screen (on another opened window) staring at me.

oh oh oh. corrine may quoted michaelangelo last night. it's one of those (sometimes cheesy - depends on your mood really -) lines agn, which i love.

she said he said: "i looked at the marble and saw an i carved it out to set it free."

okay. i'm sounding wimpy, sappy and whiney...eeeewww. i should stop.

back to work now.


Blogger Joanne said...

i absolutely think that one's blog is ramblings and innermost thoughts of the person...and yea sometimes its just what i ate for breakfast or how much i hate winter and wish i were on Kaua'i and sometimes its a picture that i like alot...but it can be anything and all things...

i consider my blog to be an extension of me - sometimes i wanna talk, sometimes i don't - sometimes i talk a lot - sometimes not so much...

personally i have always tried to keep a diary and that is the closest it comes to...a diary...

5:59 AM  
Blogger Joanne said...

oh i forgot to say...keep up the good thoughts.. =) ~bunnihuggles~

6:00 AM  
Blogger mypurpleink said...

hey thanks for your kinds words of bloggie interaction. there's a lot of blog love going on here. ha haah!

i'm putting your link on my site, if you don't mind! :)

keep smiling!

here's wishing you warm and happy thoughts.

11:42 AM  

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