painting blues

i have a bout of painting blues.
of late, i've been hit by the need to create. something. anything. to put my hands to good use. to channel. to project. to funnel this energy i feel inside. so i decided to pick up the paint brush. hoping some form of artistic genius would rear its head as i allow myself to be an instrument of this nagging buzz. so i went off ---- undeterred. i bought way to much stuff for a beginner in painting. i got the works at this shop called art friend. my favorite colors got shoved into my basket...pallette,brushes, and thinner all followed suit. even a portable easel. the urgency of it all was fed by the seamless variety of creative options at the shop.
i got home and started painting. all i ended up with was this bluey concoction acrylic paints on canvass. i'm a terrible artist. i can't draw faces or landscapes. abstract with all its lack of form and structure best suits me.
the blues look at me. i'm looking at the blues.
my hands are dirty as hell. and my painting is rubbish. i'll leave bluey alone for now. this will be the first draft. i'll go back to it maybe tomo. i'll sit at my chair with robbie in my ears as i wait for that buzz to fill me again.
I actually think that the blue looks pretty cool by itself. Judging from the picture I'd say that you got some talents in that direction.
Hi Jess, was surfing friendster (am new to it) when i saw yr profile and blog. You've got a similar range of interest with me: Joni Mitchell, Franzen (like his essays immensely!) and painting. And your recent blog is hilarious (mr magician?) Talk to me :P Gerard
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