pee break buddies

everyone has a pee break buddy. it's a universal truth- a birth right of sorts. did you know that? over 29 years of living - out of which at least a quarter of a decade has seen me making independent trips to the loo - i've noticed that a person's pee cycle for the day is pretty much set and consistent. At work, there have countless of times i keep running into the same people throughout the day at the loo. the intervals of our peeing are pretty much synchronized. (pple who work at home or anywhere else that doesn't have more than 10 pple sharing a common loo wouldn't have the slightest clue what i'm talking about). i wonder... can people rub off each other's pee cycle when they start to hang out alot -just like women and menstruation cycles....hmmm maybe there's descartian first principles to be distilled here. or maybe fibonacci's theory (his idea on the application of ratios/numbers theory to science and nature... is pure genius) could be applied here somehow.
this pee break buddy observation occasionally boggles my mind, occupying my thoughts...especially when there's time to kill at the taxi line and work you want to be distracted from. like WHY do people pee with the same frequency? how many times does a person pee a day? can you choose your inherent pee break buddy for the day? etc etc etc. i used to think i was neurotic to think about the sociology of pee... but there really seems like a whole body of science goin' on here. maybe i'm spouting nonsense....and alone in this inter-twined study of biology, sociology and loo ecology.
apparently not - there are also other likeminded neurotics out there too...the topic of pee buddies was in last night's ep of tv sitcom scrubs!!! i feel less alone now. still, there are questions left unanswered...
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