13 Things I Hate About Today

Today feels like Friday the 13th, only difference is it's Thursday. Apart from a very HAPPY one-hour lunch & a fedex package from a new friend in nyc (will write an entry in his honor soon) - there were at least 13 things i hated about today.
1) I woke up at 740 am. I'm on the 730am shift. Got to work in 20 mins flat feeling like a wreck.
2) I'm still jet lagged
3) I'm having THAT time of the month
4) I ate so much during lunch (forgot my dinner last night) - that i had a sickie feelin' all afternoon
5) Mapped out work for next two weeks and realized that I shouldn't expect any life till november
6) Met my personal banker & signed my life away...i hear my sister's voice and mom's echo: "welcome to the every day think about money world." (the tone deadpan, self deprecating - tinged with some self congratulatory element)
7) Wrote my to do list - which took up 3 post it pages.
8) I hate it when i get all whiny and PMSy
9) I'm feel inhibited.
10) I make a fool of myself at the train turnstile. everyone was so polite about it except for this one guy who laughed his head off. i appreciate his honesty. i hated everyone else who didn't laugh. cos it made me feel even sillier. am i making sense?
11) taxi driver who drove me home was a terrible driver that made me carsick in 5 mins
12) when i walked in my room: noticed that maria AGAIN has my curtains up when i always want them down cos i don't want my neighbours to see me running around naked in my room as i rush to work in the mornings
13) my friend josie tells me that my solution has a name. i hate it cos she is right.
i'm feeling super irritable.
rereading this makes me feel worse. i'm just picking on any and everything today. stop.apast multilayered dialogueemerges. i called my sister on her cell some time back and rattled on how everything was all shittie .... i must have sounded like how a bee sounds like when it hums (is that correct usage: a bee hums?) anyways... so after griping for like an eternity i punctuate with the only words i deliberately recall from that call. "i'm just not ready!!!!" she tells me to relax. she puts down the fone. i didn't know it then: but my sister took my conversation with 3 others in the same cab listening in to her side of the phone call (which was uhuh ummms ya... ok ...and me on the other side of the phone yellin' i'm just not ready!!!! and she ends call with "relax.")
as it was later recounted to me: a person in the cab asked my sister what i was not ready for. and my sister said: life.
i'm such a dufus. to many, i guess my list would be like ... unchallenging, or simply put:"chicken feet!"
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