Thursday, December 14, 2006

the gift

The other day at Church, Father Romeo (yes - that's his name) was asking - "As we go about with our shopping for gifts - let us ask ourselves what is it that we hope to give others this Christmas...."

Is it so important - this giving of material gifts?

I've been asking myself this question.

But for all the wrong reasons... mainly 'cos my savings are close to depletion levels. Because I have no more the luxury of spending without thought - I've been thinking of innovative presents this xmas - handmade beaded chains, book thongs etc etc..... that's all i can afford right now. I had to tell my kid brother the other day that i was actually broke and may not be able to fork out $250 for the flat screen LCD TV he was planning to buy for my parents this xmas. it's weird yet humbling telling someone almost 10 years younger than your that u are poorer off than him. In other years - i would have chipped in happily and confidently. i would buy presents without much thought cos money was never an issue.

so of late - i've been mulling about the meaning of gift giving...before Father Romeo's words hit me with the meaning of it all. it's about a gift that even money can't buy -

He said... "let us be the gift to others this Christmas..."

... let us be the gift to others...


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