missing november entry #1: debbie 10K & brad in NYC

invite to the photo exhibit aka sex & the city filmng set

me & brad in our pre-bad days....so last year (1 american head = half a hainanese head) heh

me & debbie 10K looking so fine as we dine! hahah!

debs & i in an nyc cab

that's where debs stays!! that's her apt - she kept the lights on!!!
the problem with my blog is it lacks immediacy.
a lot of times, the entries are reconstructed accounts of what happened last month, last week or yesterday. most times, i'm a lazy blogger. i often get lines like "why didn't you write about us ...." or "you mean that XX wasn't even worth a blog entry?"
in my most recent memory: here are some recent recollections.
debbie 10 K & brad in NYC
debs has just relocated to the big apple. i was visiting her in nyc - winding down from my 2-week Chicago trip. but during my 3-day stay in the city, i spent more or equal time with debs' pal and former B school classmate - Brad. only cos debs got staffed on a maj project.
two weeks ago brad texted: "not even one entry of your stay in NYC!!"
so here goes "BAD" brad.
the second or third time i met brad > he proposed to me. in jest, of course. only cos he liked what he saw in my ipod. "dixie chicks!!!woahhhh" he also approved other names like john lennon, fleetwood mac, jack johnson and john lennon.
he's really a sweet guy. (i just didn't dare tell him i used to dig NKOTB as a teen)
when i arrived in NYC, he was home early at debs apt so that someone could let me in. really sweet sweet guy.
another nice thing he did was escort me to a photo exhibit at the meatpackers' district, as debs couldn't go with me cos of work. i wished i blogged that evening cos the experience was intensely vivid. i walked into the show and felt like i had stepped onto a set of Sex & the city. i was immediatedly surrounded by people who were beautiful, who were with beautiful people and people with beautiful clothes. people with beautiful foreign accents, beautiful hair and beautiful skin. and then there were the quirky, arty farty people. at a corner was the quintessential short bald guy with dark framed glasses with three tall models by his side. one was french, one russian and the other from somewhere exotic too, presumably. their mixed accents scented the room with the allure of a eurpoean movie in hollywood. in came a couple, in their clean styled, crisp clothes with a toy dog donning a burberry print. investment banker types with their wine glasses clinking - talking shop and sealing deals. and bohemian dressed artists exchanging names of favorite photograhers and collectors comparing going prices for artwork.
and then there was me, brad and his colleague. the fraternity triplets. we played our roles well - adding flavor to the scene. we were nice kids. nice & sweet. haaha
ANOTHER nice gesture from brad: when i got home to Singapore. i switched on my cell and recieved a text from him in NYC, it said: "welcome back to singapore." awwww
now. according to brad. the both of us have a serious problem.
unwittingly - brad and i seem to have identified somethg about ourselves in each other. we think of ourselves as the mr nice guy and ms nice gal. ( i know it sounds a little obnoxious and therefore contradictory saying it out loud...but...it's one of those things. either way, you sound silly.)
so according to a new year's resolution drafted by brad...the both of us are to turn over a new leaf in 2006.
"we have to be real bad!" AND "debs is going home now to teach you how to be bad!" he says over sms from NYC. hahah.
hmmm somehow, announcing our imminent badness has a familiar tinge of goodiness. ha ah. you're funny, brad. and real nice.
Jessica dar-link, I can't teach you how to be bad because tonight, I was told by BAD Brad himself, that I am... and I quote... "All talk"....
So I teach you how to talk bad lah!! HAH!!
debs, let the talkin' begin...i've my notepad ready... and BAD Brad will formulate an excel spreadsheet to chart our progress!! heheh. i wanna move to NYC too!!! =(
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