My Favorite Magazine

when i was in primary school. a teacher once asked us to write an essay on my favorite ...."something"
i remember a friend was reprimanded by the teacher when she wrote an essay on her favorite song and submitted the lyrics of "Let's Go Baby" - the very theme song of the very Miss Universe that was held in Singapore. it was the very Miss Universe that Singapore got into the finals and the very Miss Universe that a Miss Chile won the crown. while my friend was ridiculed in front of the class - with kids giggling and all- i was taken by my friend's bold self expression. the only lesson i remember from that class is this story. i can't even remember the teacher's name or my friend's face.
anyways, i don;t even know why i'm sharing this's just that this memory from primary school every so often pops up whenever the subject of my favorite something is broached. and today i'm sharing my fave mag: with a link to the online site (my most recent fave fast company article to be precise) and a picture of it.
this mag never fails to renew and refresh my mind with new ideas and thoughts. the articles are extensively researched and sometimes so passionately written that it may mislead and/or inspire you to think you really could come up with a killer app, design, business model and/or be somebody. i'm a sucker for powerful words. and ideas. i'm an idea gal. a recent article that gripped me was "Change or Die." this touches on the tools and environment that are needed to help facilitate change in a corporate environment. but really this could apply to any situation - personal,national, international yadayadyada. the writer here suggests that unlike common perception, logic and fear are not the only agents needed for change.more important is emotionalpersuasion. how exactly this could manifest, it did;t really explain entirely but it does trip that mental lightbulbswitch and sets you on a broader path to change. a really interesting read. you don;t have to believe everything in this article, but its offering of new ways of thinking and looking at change is interesting and worth a couple minutes of your thoughts.
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